Birth statistics reported include counts of live births, stillbirths, fertility rates by age of mother and by area of usual residence and the percentage of births to mothers born outside the UK. Death statistics reported include counts of deaths by age and sex and also by selected cause. Standardised mortality ratios and infant mortality rates by area of usual residence are also included.
Key findings
There were 723,165 live births in England and Wales in 2010, compared with 706,248 in 2009 (a rise of 2.4 per cent)
In 2010 the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) increased to 2.00 children per woman from 1.96 in 2009
In 2010 there were 493,242 deaths registered in England and Wales compared with 491,348 in 2009 (a rise of 0.4 per cent)
Age-standardised mortality rates continued their downward trend in 2010, with 6,406 deaths per million population for males and 4,581 deaths per million population for females. Compared with 2009 these figures represent falls of 2.5 per cent and 1.0 per cent respectively
There were 3,140 infant deaths (under one year of age) registered in England and Wales giving an infant mortality rate (based on death registrations) of 4.3 deaths per thousand live births, the lowest rate ever recorded
In 2010, there were 3,714 stillbirths giving a stillbirth rate of 5.1 per thousand live and stillbirths (down from 5.2 in 2009)
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