By Ellie Burns, AP Editor
The Top 30 Under 30 votes have been cast, collected and counted and Actuarial Post is proud to present the final and definitive Top 30 Under 30 actuaries working in the marketplace today. Last year I included a quote from Benjamin Disraeli, but on the anniversary of his death I thought it poignant to include a quote from John F. Kennedy; ‘for while they are the youth of today, they shall be the leaders of tomorrow.’
This encapsulates what the Top 30 Under 30 issue celebrates – talented, young actuaries who will lead actuarial innovation and shape the future of the actuarial profession.
Sponsored by leading actuarial recruiter VISIR, this year's votes numbered in their thousands and were cast from around the globe. Taking the top spot was Kevin Pendleton from Standard Life, who was awarded an iPad Mini and champagne by myself at the Grosvenor Hotel, London. All the individuals placed in the 2013 Top 30 list can be see in the November issue of Actuarial Post magazine - accessed by clicking the cover below.
What makes this list so special is that each individual is voted for by their peers, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time to vote and who joined us in celebrating the achievements and accomplishments of actuaries in the industry - the reponse was overwhelming.
CEO Christian Shanahan of our sponsor VISIR commented:
'As proud sponsors of the Actuarial Post’s Top 30 under 30, VISIR recruitment would like to warmly congratulate all the individuals who featured on this year’s list. Congratulations to Kevin Pendleton working at Standard Life who secured the top spot. As specialist recruiters in the Actuarial sector we are proud to be associated with this award which recognises the achievements and commitment of some of the best young actuaries within the industry. The Top 30 under 30 is a hotly contested category and these young professionals should be extremely proud to have been voted for by their peers in recognition of their hard work.'

Please click on the cover to view the Top 30 Under 30 list