The sprinting lasted for what seemed a lifetime and my legs were burning after 30 seconds – then Sergeant Pushy yelled ‘big hill coming!’ I could see no hill and initially thought ‘Pushy’ might be hallucinating, but I followed everyone’s lead and rose up in the saddle to cycle furiously. Ironically the music was Queen’s ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ – the only thing I wanted to do was stop. This change in pace and introduction of hills carried on all lesson, and I hate to be somewhat graphic but I the amount I was perspiring was unhealthy for a human being.
At the end of the lesson I could have flopped out of the saddle onto the floor, the workout was intense. This class would suit someone who wants a vigorous work out, does not mind excessively sweating and would not mind the somewhat monotonous exercise. Remember your lycra!
I was slightly saddened when I learnt the fact that the class would not involve physically hitting an opponent. After a hard day, I must admit I did feel like taking out a bit of aggression. However, whilst I was not allowed to assault anyone, this class did allow me to release my aggression. We started by skipping to warm up and what followed was a variety of different, and dare I say enjoyable, exercises. I loved hitting the pads and kicking the punch bags, releasing my anger in a fun way in which I could not get arrested for GBH. Shuttle run’s added more variety and the sit-up exercises combined with hitting pads when you sat up allowed me to really feel the burn (a cliché I know) but not in the same way as in the spin class (where I felt I was going to die). The variety of exercises in these classes allows you to remain interested throughout the class and also made it more enjoyable. It is not as challenging or vigorous as the spin class but I walked away feeling fitter and happier. The downside is my knuckles and shins did hurt for a day or two but on the upside boxercise does claim to increase core strength, stamina and eye-hand co-ordination. Plus, you get to feel like Rocky for half an hour.
Body Pump
I have to admit I had little to no knowledge of what body pump entailed, I was told it was a mixture of aerobic exercise and weight lifting training and can potentially burn between 250 and 600 calories, so I prepared to channel my inner Schwarzenegger and get ready for weights. The class stated with heavier weights and big muscle movements and then isolated muscle group exercises with lighter weights. Each exercise lasted the length of a track of hideous bass music (not my personal taste) with pauses between tracks to change weights if needed. Whilst not like Sergeant Pushy in the Spin Class, the instructor was, let’s say, driven and kept ‘motivating’ us with numerous body pump ‘jargon’. After the bicep curl exercise I thought my biceps were about to explode and I came to the realisation that Schwarzenegger I was not, more a weakling. There were numerous exercises to keep focused - squats, chest press, dead row, clean and press, bicep curl and lunges to name a few. If you want to tone and focus on muscles then this is the class for you, however there is not as much variety as you will find in Boxercise and it is a less vigorous workout than spin. Oh, and liking Bass music is preferable.
Yoga and Pilates have become popular in recent years, but I have always shied away from these particular classes. By nature I am not really relaxed, I am not on edge constantly, but have always preferred more energetic exercise. However, with a clear mind I entered into my first Pilates class. In stepped my instructor, gone was the ‘driven’ and ‘pushy’ instructors of the past and in came placid and serene Sally with her soothing voice. Sally then calmly told us the six Pilates Principles: Centering, Control, Flow, Breath, Precision, and Concentration. We then went through a number of warm up exercises and then followed on to the main exercises which focus on building up your core strength. There is not a lot of repetition of exercises, due to the fact that the importance lies in doing an individual exercise perfectly in order for it to benefit you. To be honest with you readers, I got bored. On all fours, holding one bent leg up in the air for a period of time was not my thing. I did not even really sweat, but this is the thing, whilst Pilates will help strengthen and improve your balance, it will do very little for actually burning fat. This would be a great exercise for people wanting to unwind and who want to increase flexibility, core strength and focus – but if you want to feel the burn this is not a class for you.
These classes all benefit in different ways. Spin class is an intense workout where you can lose calories and feel the strain; however it is scary and monotonous. Boxercize has excellent variety and you can genuinely have fun whilst working out, although beware sore knuckles and shins. Pilates relaxes and tones but does not burn fat, whilst Body Pump tones and strengthens to ghastly bass music. There is a gym class for everyone, not matter what your age, sex or ability – my advice – go and have a try. There is nothing to lose and you might find a class which suits you down to the ground. As for me....with all this exercise I do not think anyone can begrudge me a glass of wine and a sit down!
