The stresses of the Olympics are over, you are getting back to normality and that prized holiday break is just around the corner. Here are some top tips to keep you healthy and focused in the workplace or at home.
The four musts
Do not smoke, drink sensibly, exercise and eat five portions of fruit and veg every day. If you follow these four rules then, as scientists from Cambridge University have stated, you can add a further 14 years to your life.
Rehydrate your body
Our bodies are constantly losing water due to the fact that water helps in the digestion of food, cleanses your system and keeps your physiology working well. You need to be drinking 6-8 glasses or 1.2 litres a day of water and other fluids to keep yourself hydrated.
Soak up the rays
Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, so even if it is just a stroll outside in your lunch break, get outside because those rays could help protect against depression, heart disease and even some types of cancer.
Be open to new foods
There are a host of foods out there with the potential to protect and aid your lifestyle. Take the lesser mentioned beetroot for example. The beetroot could be a major weapon against high blood pressure, as researchers from Barts and the London School of medicine found when they concluded that just drinking 500ml of beetroot juice could reduce high blood pressure after just one hour.
Getting the X Factor
We have turned into reality show watching zombies so get up off the sofa! It is calculated that we spend around 17 years of our life watching the television, and whilst watching TV is not a sin, watching a huge amount can introduce the sloth back into your life.
Embracing the lifestyle
Giving your partner or a friend a hug can actually protect your heart. A University of North Carolina study in 2005 found that hugging your partner for twenty seconds could lower blood pressure and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol has been linked to diabetes and heart disease, so start today and get hugging.