With more than half of over-50s having already fallen in love, married, bought a house and had children, one in four believe they should also have attended a music festival, learned a language and read 100 books.
Once we reach the big 5-0, the travel bug bites with over-50s planning to experience all seven continents, throw coins in the Trevi Fountain and visit a volcano as part of their retirement bucket list.
Once, these were experiences many people could only dream of, but an average three-fold increase in house prices over the last 20 years means many can now turn their £20,000 bucket list dreams into reality.
The research commissioned by over-50s specialist SunLife reveals that almost one in four (37.4%) people living in the UK have achieved all they wanted, with one in six admitting they have no future ambitions.
More than a third (38.85%) believe life really does begin at 50, and almost half those questioned (47%) agree there is still much to accomplish in their lives.
SunLife’s Director of Marketing, Ian Atkinson, said: “For many, 50 is a milestone age when you not only look back and take stock but start planning new adventures and experiences.
“While a third of people in their 60s and 70s say they try and save their money to pass on as an inheritance, far more would rather enjoy it now.
“Having worked hard, many believe 50 is the point where their life is just getting started. In other research, we discovered that eight out of ten people age 55 and over will use assets such as property wealth to live a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement, with one in four (27%) admitting they would invest in a holiday of a lifetime”.
For one in four, seeing the Northern Lights tops the £20,000 retirement bucket list of things to do once you are aged 50+, while one in ten plan to visit all seven continents and ride in a Venetian gondola.
More people in their 70s plan to throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, while those aged 50-55 are five times more likely to ride an elephant than a Vespa.
But nine in ten people have at least one regrets: and not seeing enough of the world is the most common.
