The CII has developed four new exam units, to complement the risk content of its broad range of existing training and examination materials:
• Introductory level – introduction to risk management
• Intermediate level – fundamentals of risk management
• Advanced level – risk management in insurance & advances in strategic risk
management in insurance
A further unit 'advanced risk financing and transfer' will be available from April 2017.
Ian Simons, director of marketing at the CII, said: "Alongside Chartered insurers, Chartered insurance brokers and Chartered insurance practitioners, it’s great to be giving insurance risk managers a gold standard for professionalism that reflects the vital part they play in identifying, analyzing, assessing, and mitigating risk.
"It's not just about recognising those who have already reached the top; the CII has developed a suite of risk management units awarded by coursework or examination. Catering for all levels of knowledge and experience, from entry level to advanced. They provide a framework for those seeking to develop their knowledge and career in risk.
"Since its introduction the CII has seen the majority of holders are existing Chartered titles who have switched to become Chartered insurance risks manager title holders as it is more relevant to their field. This speaks as testament to their vital work and the need to give risk management the support and recognition it deserves."
The current breakdown of holders is as follows:
• 10% have taken up the title new
• 48% were employed by an insurer - switched from Chartered insurer title
• 13% worked for a broker - switched from Chartered insurance broker
• 29% worked outside a broker or insurer - switched from Chartered insurance practitioner"
The CII is working closely with Airmic to ensure that the new title, together with the training and qualification content responds to the needs of today's risk professionals and supports the development of future talent.
Julia Graham, deputy CEO of Airmic commented: "We're glad to be working collaboratively with the CII to develop the profession around our members' needs."