Understanding MFA EDF and NGAV

Discover how brokers are adapting to the rapidly changing cyber market - New webinar with leading brokers and Corvus Insurance
How can brokers adapt to this new environment to best serve their clients? And what advice can they give to clients to guide them through the process from quote, to application, to renewal to claim?
Tune into this upcoming webinar “Overcoming the Challenges in Cyber Broking: From Quote to Claim” (December 14 at 12pm EST) to find out.
Sign up to the webinar to get the low-down on how brokers are addressing challenges in cyber
You’ll hear from these leading cyber experts:
• William Boeck, SVP Global Cyber Product & Claims Leader, Lockton Companies
• Monica Minkel, VP, Executive Risk Enterprise Leader, PC, Holmes Murphy & Associates
• Cynthia Zimmerman, EVP East Coast Cyber Practice Leader Cyber, Professional, Management Liability Broker, Socius Insurance Services
• Victoria Dearing, SVP Professional Liability and Risk Management, Breckenridge Insurance
• Moderator: Jason Rebholz, Chief Information Security Officer, Corvus Insurance
During the 1-hour webinar you’ll find out how to:
• Overcome the challenges of skyrocketing premiums and quote expiration, and explore the role of brokers in aiding the renewal process with expedited analysis of risk management tools, such as MFA EDF and NGAV
• Ensure risk management tools and proper procedures—such as incident response plans—are in place in plenty of time before renewal to drive efficiencies
• Go beyond preventive technology and emphasise the important of employee training on phishing emails, behavioural anomalies, vulnerabilities and backed up systems
• Address the need for underwriters to see a robust incident response plan, with clearly defined roles and procedures, details on breach notification and forensic analysis, and evaluate what security measures must be improved so the client remains insurable
• Discuss the role of the broker ensuring the claims moves forward efficiently: Proving the loss, helping the client present the claim and managing the relationship between lawyers, carriers and vendors
Secure your place at this webinar by clicking here
Kind regards,
Helen Raff
Head of Research
Intelligent Insurer
Direct line: +44 (0)203 301 8244
Email: hraff@newtonmedia.co.uk
