The report where IFAs, wealth managers, retail investment product and retirement solution providers, come together to discuss the changes in the market place and how these developments are altering the retail investment and retirement solutions industry.
Legislation changes, particularly the Retail Distribution Review (RDR), National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) and Solvency II, in addition to the current economic market turbulence and future uncertainty are altering investors, advisors and product providers’ attitude and approach to the market place. This reinforces the need to stay abreast of the ever-changing outlook and ensure these changes create opportunities, not challenges.
‘Retail Investment & Retirement Solutions 2012’, is the second report in its series which looks at the evolution of the retail investment and retirement solutions sector and the preparation considerations as we draw nearer to the enforcement of regulatory changes.
Key topics:
♦ Adapting your business model and refining your fee structure for an RDR world
♦ Examining the impact of other regulations including NEST and Solvency II on the retail
♦ investment and retirement solutions market place
♦ Considering the merits and suitability of certain retail investment products
♦ Evaluating methods of achieving income in a low interest rate environment and protecting portfolios against inflationary changes
♦ Evaluating the developments in the retirement solutions sector and which solutions to consider
To download the full report for free please visit the Clearpath Analysis website by clicking here