As the last report showed there are 2.4 million reported potholes in England and Wales, it’s no surprise that 6 in 10 people (61%) highlighted them as a top worry. Other common road obstructions like roadworks and traffic congestion were a sore spot, while people were also ticked off by tailgating and concerned about cyclists.
Over 1,700 UK drivers weighed in on their top five motoring concerns, which were as follows:

While rising fuel costs were top of everyone’s minds in 2023 and named a top 5 worry for over half (56%), in 2024 potholes (61%), which can cause hundreds of pounds worth of damage to a vehicle, have taken over as the top concern.
Drivers were also worried about other motorists using their phones behind the wheel (46%) - which has been illegal since 2003. Other concerns and pet peeves included people who fail to use their indicators (45%), tailgating (44%) and middle lane hoggers (28%). A quarter of people also admitted to being irritated by drivers who fail to say thank you (24%).
Tom Banks, car spokesperson for Go.Compare, said: “Looking after our vehicles and staying safe on the road is really important, so it’s no surprise that issues which might compromise safety such as potholes, and other drivers speeding or using their phones, have been revealed as Brits top motoring concerns.
“While you can’t control the actions of other drivers, there is a lot you can do to protect yourself and your vehicle. Firstly, it’s important to stay up-to-date with your car’s servicing and maintenance, and keep it in good working order.
“Finding the right insurance policy is also important, as this will help you avoid stress and worry and get you back on the road as soon as possible if anything happens. Make sure to consider all your options and compare car insurance before you buy, as this could help lower your costs too.”
If you do hit a pothole and sustain any damage to your car, then you can find out how to report them or make a claim here
And to learn more about the driving habits Brits hate